Children's Services
Hastings County Children’s Services strives to offer services that are inclusive and accessible and meet the diverse needs of the community.
Supporting a sense of belonging and well-being for children, families, and educators ensures optimal learning and development in all areas.
Early years and child care plays a vital role in children's development, support for families and caregivers. Hastings County Children’s Services believes in the importance of investing in safe, affordable, high-quality child care, and ensuring access to child care and early years services to support the well-being of children and families within the region. Hastings County Children’s Services supports children, their families, and educators and helps them grow and thrive in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Licensed Child Care
Options in Hastings County
To apply for SUBSIDIZED CHILD CARE contact the Intake Access Centre at: (613)771-9630 or 1-866-414-0300.
Find more information about Child Care Fee Subsidy or Lowering your Child Care Fees.
Child Care in Hastings County
Lower Child Care Fees
canada-wide early learning child care
Key Contacts