Warden Bob Mullin Inaugural Remarks

December 05, 2024

Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us at today’s Inaugural meeting of Hastings County Council.  


I would like to offer a warm welcome to our friends, families, and distinguished guests who have joined us today.  


I would also like to extend my gratitude to Justice Hurley for joining us here in Chambers to conduct the swearing in. Your presence makes this day very special. Thank you.  


I would also like to take this moment to recognize the Past Wardens in attendance today. It is those that are here, attending as Past Wardens, that not only represent the significance and dedication of the individuals who have held the position of Warden but the  significance and contribution of all the past County Councillors that have served on Hastings County Council.  


Please join me in welcoming  

Past Warden Jack Robinson, Warden of Hastings County in 1982

Past Warden Harry Danford, Warden of Hastings County in 1989

Past Warden and current Hastings County Councillor, Tom Deline, Warden of Hastings County in 1994  

Past Warden Rodney Cooney, Warden of Hastings County in 2017 and 2018

And Past Warden Rick Phillips, Warden of Hastings County in 2012 to 2016 and from 2019 to 2022.  


Being joined by these remarkable leaders at today’s Inaugural is very heartwarming, and I am personally honoured that you are here.  


I am privileged to have the support of County Council to take on the Warden’s role as Hastings County celebrates a significant milestone, 175 years of governing Hastings County.  


As we hit the halfway mark of this term of Council, I am thankful to have served for the past two years as Warden, and am filled with gratitude that I have the opportunity to continue in this role for the remainder of the term.  I feel that together we have moved the County forward on some key issues and we are steadfast in our collective priority of building a stronger County.


The economical landscape over the past couple of years has been challenging for municipalities, and we have been able to persevere through these times while also ensuring that key services are available, and enhancements have been made.


This Council has made significant investments across all of our services, that benefit all parts of the County. Council has recognized the value of our people and the essential services that we deliver, and for that we should be proud.  


This Council has been committed to governing with respect, professionalism, decorum, fiscal responsibility, innovation and fairness. These values are the cornerstone on which we conduct ourselves and our work and I am committed, as I know each of you are, to maintaining them over the remainder of this term and beyond.  


Councillors, thank you for all that you have helped this municipality accomplish since being on this Council.  


But, I know, and we all here know that Hastings County Council and our staff still have much to accomplish.  


We are in very transformative times, and I am excited for us to continue to work towards the potential this County has.


Hastings County has seen a significant change in new staff members, from those in leadership roles to our front line staff who are providing critical services to our residents. We are grateful for the professionalism and dedication of all our staff, those that have served this County, and those that are currently helping us work towards our goals and objectives each day.


Hastings County Council, and staff are committed to advancing key initiatives that are critical to ensuring our communities are Healthy, Vibrant, Connected and Sustainable.  


This Council will remain focused on championing Healthy Communities that enhance the quality of life for residents. We will do so by recognizing the role that the social determinants, such as housing plays, in the health of a community. Through key investments in expanding the housing availability within Hastings County, we will do what we can to ensure that affordable housing is developed quickly to meet the growing need across all of our communities.  


I look forward to us breaking ground in the spring on the 32 unit build on South Street in Quinte West, that will be added to our directly operated portfolio. And I look forward to seeing units that Hastings County has funded, such as the Chemaushgon Affordable Housing project, being available for our vulnerable residents.  


We will focus on the health of our communities by prioritizing recruitment, retention and mentorship within our Paramedic Services to ensure long term success of our program that enables highly trained health practitioners to support our community. We will work with our community partners to continue to address issues related to homelessness and addictions, while focusing on the services needed for our senior populations.  


Hastings County, and our long-term care homes, will continue with implementation of best practice guidelines and Health Human Resources stabilization for the residents of Hastings Manor and Centennial Manor. We see our homes for our residents as just that – homes – and our staff continue to work hard to deliver resident focused care each and every day.


This Council is committed to fostering vibrant communities that are economically resilient.  


Through the introduction and implementation of our Streamlined Planning Approach& Resource Centralization program, the updating of our Official Plan and by working alongside our municipal partners, this Council acknowledges the critical importance of land use planning.  


We will look at ways to attract further investments in the County to capitalize on our resources. We will work with our member municipalities to explore creative solutions to encourage new investments in available and underutilized areas.  And we will do our part in making Hastings County a desirable place to invest your future in.  We all know what the County has to offer and we are making it a priority to ensure that our assets are known far and wide to drive the investment that our communities need to grow and prosper.


We will support connected communities that are engaged with the needs of our residents, our visitors and our partners.  

We continue to be committed to implementing shared services where we can and where it makes sense, we are committed to enhancing our role as a leader both across the County and the Province, and we are committed to improving our communications with all of our stakeholders.  


It is through our collaboration and partnerships where we will build momentum and create efficiencies that will serve our clients in the best way possible. This will also require us to modernize and invest in Hastings County infrastructure and innovative technology to enhance local services. The organization is currently transforming the way it conducts business and interacts with staff with the introduction of a new Human Resources Information System, which will help move the organization forward tremendously towards modernization.  


We are also focused on implementing other innovative technological solutions such as e-permitting, financial software, Next Gen 911, expansion of GIS supports, and others.  And as we look to the role of technology within our municipality, we won’t shy away from the technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence. We as a municipality are willing to adapt and improve to ensure that we are supporting people and our communities in the best way.  


And we, as a Council, will promote sustainable communities that prioritize responsible growth, governance and financial stability.  

Over the remaining term of this council, we will be working with all of our staffing groups, unionized and non-unionized, to ensure that Hastings County enhances its role as an employer of choice. We will be negotiating with all of our union groups, and will continue to maintain policies and procedures that encourage a healthy work environment across all of our services.  


Recruitment, retention, succession planning, organizational development, and corporate wellness are all activities that we as a Council recognize need to be a focus to ensure the long term health of Hastings County.  


We are also committed to prioritizing our environmental stewardship. Hastings County is known for its natural resources, and we will protect and enhance our natural and physical assets to ensure that we are doing our part in protecting the environment. We will invest in energy efficiency enhancements to make our buildings greener and reduce our carbon footprint, while maintaining long-term financial viability through sound asset management planning.  


And as we have shown over the past two years, this Council is committed to the delivery of fiscally responsible services while also planning for long-term sustainability. As I mentioned, we are living through a challenging financial environment, but this Council has valued fiscal transparency, responsibility and accountability of our own organization and the partners we work with. Fiscal responsibility is a core value to this Council, and to our residents, and we will continue to govern with this in mind.  


These are some of the many priorities that this Council will be addressing over the next two years, and I am confident that we will rise to the challenge.


Council, once again, thank you for your support in allowing me to serve as the Warden of Hastings County for the next two years.  

As we continue through this time of transformation, I am proud to serve with each and every one of you, and to work alongside staff.  


We do not know what the future has in store, but I am confident that with this Council, and with our staff, we will be able to accomplish great things for our communities and the people of Hastings County.  


Thank you.

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