Children’s Services Ontario-Wide Campaign

July 07, 2023

January 19, 2023

Media Release

The County of Hastings, in partnership with municipalities across Ontario, are launching a campaign to increase the understanding, awareness and support for Ontario’s child care and early years sector.


“The childcare and early year sector plays a vital role within our communities. The sector is an economic driver, enables more parents to participate in the workforce and develops our future generations,” stated Warden Bob Mullin. “Early Childhood Educators are unsung heroes, and it is critical to recognize and celebrate their impact within Hastings County and across the province,” continued Mullin.


“This campaign is essential in raising awareness, but it doesn’t end here. We will continue focusing our efforts on solutions to further strengthen the sector and the communities in which we live,” stated Connor Dorey, Director of Hastings County’s Community & Human Services Department.


There is a need for expansion of the child care and early years sector, and without educators, programs cannot operate. Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) are trained professionals with expertise in child development.  These professionals must be recognized, valued, and fairly compensated for the important role they play in the lives of children, families, and communities at large.  


Throughout the campaign, Hastings County will provide key information and insights regarding the child care and early years sector. In learning more about the impact of child care and early years programming, the public can further understand the importance of the programs while helping sustain and grow the sector.




For more information contact:
Dino Marchiori, Acting Director of Community & Human Services
613-966-1311 ext. 2333

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